Thursday, January 17, 2013


My son Avian and I have been sick all week with the respiratory flu.  The fog is lifting, and we are excited to start feeling well again.  It was a challenging week with very little rest, and at times it was overwhelming.  But when I felt like my own reserves of strength and endurance were nearing their limits, I had an interesting experience.  I find myself intensely drawn to different colors at various times in my life, and this week suddenly emerald green came to me.  It was my favorite color during my whole childhood, and for some reason I hadn't had a strong connection to it since then. 

*On the color spectrum green is the center between stimulating colors and calming colors. It symblizes balance, alignment of life's material aspects with the spiritual.  Green possesses a magnetic appeal with normalizes and orders all forces of the universe.  It is the color of nature, affecting the co-mingling of the soul with spirit, harmony, the life force, healing, self-regulation, purpose, awareness and prosperity.  With balance as the key, green promotes the maturation of one's physical body with the spiritual self, and when these two are aligned, the greatest constructive power in the universe is active.  Gree also symbolizes self-regulation and the path to self-awareness.  *From Color Synergy by Patricia George and Dinah Lovett

After the "feeling of green" entered my awareness, that night I had very strong impression, intuition, a sense of a clear message, and though I was exhausted, I felt like I was filled with gently buzzing energy from head to toe and was unable to sleep until almost morning, yet I wasn't tired that night or the next day.  The message is something I will share soon, still processing. 

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