Thursday, February 7, 2013



Coming to the end of our stay in Buffalo...bittersweet.  So peaceful in our direction, yet sad to leave so many wonderful people. 

Thank you:  Family- you know who you are!  I love my family so much, and through the ups and downs this year that has only become a deeper, more understanding love.  I treasure this time we got to spend together, and for those of you who made lots of room in your life for my presence here, I am so grateful.  For the family who's lives were filled up with other things, I am thankful for the time we did get together, and I am happy that you are living your life and doing your thing!  A special thank you to Bridget, you gave us several much needed overnight breaks from parenting, and were always a wonderful, fun, energetic, welcoming person to be around. 

Thank you:  Mom.  Living with you again for the first time since I moved out of the house was fun, joyous, challenging, illuminating, worthwhile, and something I will always be glad we shared.  Trust yourself, keep breathing, and take things one step at a time.  You can do it!  I love you!

Thank you:  to my sisters.  I wish I could live by all my loved ones and siblings all at one time, but since that isn't possible I'm thankful we had time together this year.  Jena, have fun setting up your life and finding yourself!  Deni, having our baby boys hang out with each other was really special.  Looking forward to them running around together as they grow and we visit.   I love all of you! 

Thank you:  to my workplace, everyone was so warm and friendly and made the transition period here a breeze.  I love my job!  Thank You Sorenson for helping make my life dreams possible.

Thank you:  Ryan, Ti, Aydan and Sia.  Words can't express the deep gratitude our whole family has for your family.  Everything you have done, given us, offered, provided, the ideas exchanged, the respite, the peace, the love, the positive energy, the encouragment...wonderful.  We love you!!!

Thank you:  Thank you.  Thank you, Manya.  You know.  You walked with us through steps in our path that have changed things in ourselves and our lives forever.  So grateful.

Thank you:  Buffalo!  It was interesting!  Another fantastic life-experience/adventure that we'll always remember. 

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